What are your goals for 2022? This year I’m a bit early with my planning but the early bird catches the JNCIE-ENT, right? 😉 Looking forward to hearing about your goals for next year – let’s motivate each other!
The JNCIE-ENT will be my primary goal in 2022 – no doubt about it. I’m really looking forward to this one because the topics cover 99% of my day job (+1 for ditching Multicast and putting EVPN in instead) and therefore the training also has a huge impact on my job as well. As you all know the JNCIE-Certification is the highest one you can achieve for a specific Track (SEC, ENT, DC, SP, and Cloud) and the exam is extremely close to real-world scenarios if not spot on! The exam is (unlike many competitor exams at this level) not there to ask you scenarios that would never happen just for the sake of asking them – the JNCIE checks if you can do a daily job (from design to implementation) and being able to troubleshoot issues. You have 6 hours (I still miss the 8h exam…) to complete it in front of a proctor – that makes this exam so special – you can feel the pressure. But that also makes it fun. But the best thing is the way towards the JNCIE: Interacting with others, countless lab nights, reading a gazillion of books and whitepapers – I just love it 🙂
The JNCIP-SP and JNCIP-Cloud are the remaining 2 professional certifications needed for me to get the “All-A, All-S, and All-P” status – meaning having ALL Associate, Specialist, and Professional certifications that Juniper currently has to offer 🙂 I would bet any sum, that we will also see a JNCIP-MistAI (and possibly even a JNCIE-MistAI) at some point – but I guess not before 2023 so I guess I’m “safe”. If not, Marvis took over the planet and created the exams itself 😀
With the AATP I have full access to all Courses, making the learning of new Topics WAY easier because I can simply sit in a course with the topic of my interest and get training from the best proctors out there without having to worry about increasing additional cost. You can find more Infos here: https://learningportal.juniper.net/juniper/user_activity_info.aspx?id=ALL-ACCESS-TRAINING-PASS-HOME
But I’m curious: What are your 2022 goals? Any specific Tracks? Any new Technologies?
Let me know in the comments or on Twitter and share your goals with the world 🙂
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