A new journey begins

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Aha – Christian got a new Badge!
But wait?
What’s that?

Not a Juniper Badge?????
This must be it – his account has been pwned for sure, right?

Nope – don’t panic – back to DEFCON-5 – I’ve tried something new that I always wanted to try but never focused on – until now πŸ˜‰

I’ve been fortunate enough to try the new #PaloAltoNetworks Cybersecurity Apprentice Exam (passed yesterday) and boy was that a fun one πŸ™‚ It not only covers Palo-specific content but rather provides a broad and unique view of security in the networking field and gives a great overview of the extensive spectrum, that a Sec-Engineer has to deal with every day. Additionally, the exam’s format encourages critical thinking and problem-solving – both are essential skills for anyone becoming a security professional. Overall, it’s an excellent investment in your professional development and a great way to validate your expertise in the field.

I can personally highly recommend this to anyone starting their security journey πŸ™‚

And while some people might think “Big wow – a JNCIE-SEC doing an apprentice exam so what?” – I’m still proud of every little cert I have done throughout my career and will continue to broaden my understanding of our industry across all vendors. Getting out of the comfort zone is extremely important for anyone wishing to be a successful engineer. Brace yourselves – there’s more coming πŸ˜‰

1 thought on “A new journey begins

  1. Pingback: permit-any-any.comA new journey begins

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