Celebrate with us – 1Mio DayOne downloads!

It’s finally happening: In April, the Juniper DayOne Books will hit 1Mio downloads!
A-m-a-z-i-n-g I tell you!

For this Special Event, Juniper has a lot to offer – check out the Site
https://www.juniper.net/us/en/dm/day-one-million/ from time to time during April for special discounts and exclusive bundles.

You should also have a look at the author stories at https://www.juniper.net/assets/us/en/local/pdf/ebooks/dayone-million-stories.pdf

But hey – why is your story in German you might ask. I did this because of 3 reasons.

First, most of the Germans are a bit lazy when it comes to interacting with others in English. Don’t ask me why (I’m not a typical German in many ways) but I experienced this over and over again. Therefore I decided that it would be interesting to add a little German to the stories so more “native” Germans would be able to see, how awesome this journey was for me.
We were told that we could either write in English or in our native language – and guess what?
Looks like I was the only one doing this 😀
Maybe we should start a “Multilanguage DayOne Book” where the books are either written in different Languages per recipe or we take one book and translate it into as many Languages as we can find?
I would be in of course.

Second, diversity is great and it’s always a difference if someone has to write in his native language or in English (subtext is the buzzword here) and the more people contribute in other languages, the better. I love to learn new things – why not learn a few words of Spanish, French, Canadian, Italian or whatsoever?

There’s also a third reason for this – if you want to know it, feel free to reach out to me.
Don’t worry – I rarely bite so it’s safe 😉

In case your German is a little rusty, here’s my Interview in English (you could also use google translate but yeah… Good Luck with that…):


“Ich erinnere mich noch sehr gut daran, als ich die Anfrage erhielt am Ambassadors Cookbook 2019 mitzuwirken. Natürlich fühlte ich mich geehrt – hatte aber zeitgleich auch wichtige Projekte vor mir, die nicht darunter leiden durften. Irgendwie schaffte ich es dann doch zwischen all den Projekten und meinem Expert-Nachtlab die beiden Artikel fertigzustellen. Ich tauschte mich dazu mit vielen Experten aus, die bereits Bücher veröffentlicht hatten. Da sich viele Kunden mit dem Thema MC-LAG auseinandergesetzt hatten, es aber immer wieder zu Problemen kam, entschloss ich mich, dieses Thema besonders zu behandeln. Ebenso nahm ich mit das Thema ZTP erneut vor, da auch dieses Thema meiner Meinung nach den Puls der Zeit trifft – hierfür hatte ich bereits wertvolle Erfahrungen bei unseren Kunden gesammelt und die Rückmeldungen waren gigantisch. Es ist meiner Meinung nach wichtig, dass es die DayOne books gibt und diese immer wieder einen Refresh erhalten. Diese Bücher helfen IT-Experten auf der ganzen Welt innerhalb kürzester Zeit wertvolles Wissen aufzubauen. Bei diesem Vorgang unterstütze ich natürlich gerne mit meinem Fachwissen.”


“I still remember the day when Patrick asked me if I wanted to contribute to the Ambassadors Cookbook 2019. I felt honored, but at that time I also had very important projects that I didn’t want to suffer because of my contribution. I managed it to somehow finish both of the recipes between the projects and my nightly Expert-Labs (JNCIE-DC is only a week away). Because MC-LAG was very popular at our customer’s setups but they faced a lot of issues mainly because of wrong setups I decided to give this topic special attention. Also, ZTP was a hot topic (and it’s still a hot topic) at the time of writing the recipes. I already learned a lot while working for our customers and the feedback was astounding. In my opinion, DayOne books are very important and they also need to be refreshed and re-released from time to time to be up-to-date. In my opinion, Juniper does this job very well and the authors are amazing. DayOne books help IT-Experts all over the world to build valuable knowledge and experience. And of course, I love to help with my knowledge and experience.”


Hopefully, there will be more “native” content in the future for all of us 🙂
My fellow ambassadors already mentioned some Ideas on Twitter – stay tuned.

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