I just got my newest “Certification” – and nope – it’s indeed a non-Juniper one 😀
Berechtigung nach § 21 Absatz 5 Satz 1
Krankenhausstrukturfonds-Verordnung (KHSFV)
That one is needed if you want to work with the hospitality and medical sector when working with funds that can be accessed to help digitalize the hospitals / medical systems.
Much needed here in Germany as most of the systems are still, let’s say, “stoneage” or software-islands without any interoperability or defined standards – Germany is a bit slower when it comes to digitalization (after all, the Internet is new to us – germans get this joke).
The test validates your understanding of all parts of the funding and also basically verifies that you know, what you are doing from accessing funds, it-security, how the systems and parts need to be interoperable, and so on 😉