EVE-NG and the vQFX

      10 Comments on EVE-NG and the vQFX

Just wanted to give you a short update regarding my attempt to run the vQFX on the latest eve-ng.

Here is how I managed to run it:

1.) Connect to your eve-ng server via ssh and create 2 folders according to the eve-ng naming scheme (important or your vQFX will not be recognized!)

mkdir /opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/vqfxre-15d1X53
mkdir /opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/vqfxpfe-20160609-2

2.) Copy your vmdk-images toย the eve-ng server via scp or sftp (I used /tmp as directory)

3.) Convert your harddisks:

/opt/qemu/bin/qemu-img convert -f vmdk -O qcow2 vqfx10k-pfe-20160609-2.vmdk /opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/vqfxpfe-20160609-2/hda.qcow2 
/opt/qemu/bin/qemu-img convert -f vmdk -O qcow2 vqfx10k-re-15.1X53-D60.vmdk /opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/vqfxre-15d1X53/hda.qcow2

4.) Run the script to fix your file-permissions:

/opt/unetlab/wrappers/unl_wrapper -a fixpermissions

5.) Go to your eve-ng webinterface andย create 2 nodes inside your lab.
Leave the settings like CPU and RAM at the default.

6.) Enjoy your vQFX 10k on eve-ng ๐Ÿ™‚

10 thoughts on “EVE-NG and the vQFX

  1. christianscholz Post author

    In case you get a “Kernel Trap9” Error Message:
    I tried the newest D63 – however this Release seems to have a Problem.
    Creating a new Device (changing boot image didn’t help me) with D60 and using QEMU 2.2.0, QEMU Arch x86_64 fixed the issue and now I can run the D60 inside the newest eve again.

    1. Billy Bethell

      Hi Christian,

      Please could you provide me some assistance getting the VQFX to work on EVE.

      I am useing D60 on both the PFE and RE and have changed the QCOW type to 2.2.0 for both node as well as the Arch from tpl x86 to plain x86.

      The issue is the PFE seems to start then it just stops on its own, the RE is also not booting properly.

      Could it be my images? I have qcow2 from the download site?



      1. christianscholz Post author

        Hi Billy,
        i used the Vagrant .box file – this worked out of the box for me as described in “https://jncie.eu/running-vqfx-15-1×53-d63-on-eve-kvm/”. I didn’t run into any problems at all. Have you used the latest EVE? vQFX10k is brand new – be sure to use the latest EVE.

  2. Rakesh

    How much time do you need to wait ideally to connect PFE to RE image before Declaring QFX FPC is Errored. Irrespective of any combinations i use, i always have FPC as empty.


    1. christianscholz Post author

      Hi Rakesh,
      I usually wait about 10min to 15min – after that there’s an error. But that strongly depends on the System load. A Friend of mine is using almost all his available resources and his vQFX needs 4 to 5 hours to run – so it’s hard to tell without knowing your System-Specs.


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