EVE published the new Pro Version on December 11th. And what a nice Christmas present from the Team 🙂
The Version brings more performance to the Juniper Images (vSRX-NG for Example) and also adds IPv6-Support for the EVE host itself – this is a huge step towards running EVE-NG in IPv6 only environments and puts the EVE Solution on the top considering that most Vendors still struggle with the very basics of IPv6. Currently, EVE in pure v6 is not possible, because the Licensing Servers are not (yet) reachable via v6 – this might change soon which would allow the v6-only Environments to become reality.
I took the new Version for a Test-Drive and updated my SSD-Server to the new Version. As you know I have my JNCIE-Labs running in there so that’s the perfect opportunity to test this Version on my Large Labs.
Here you can see the template-difference between 2.0.6-17-PRO (shown first) and 2.0.6-31-PRO (shown second):

My JNCIE-DC Lab took me roughly 30-35mins to fully boot up and have all Devices operational.
The Same Lab rebuilt with the new EVE-Pro took roughly 25-30mins to fully boot up and have all Devices operational – that’s on an SSD-Server with 32vCPU and 120GB of RAM running 39 qemu Devices.
Also, the Devices feel a bit faster compared to the old EVE-NG Versions.
Notice, that only new labs will benefit from the new performance. Your “old” labs will not automatically adjust to the new settings and that’s good because if you change the qemu parameters “hot” your devices might not boot anymore.
Over the next weeks, I will have the ability to Lab even more (thanks to the holidays) – check back from time to time over the holidays for some nice EVE Posts.
Also, I’m still working on the EVE-NG and Juniper Video Course. The Topologies will also be available once the Video Series starts. Since this is a lot of Stuff to do it takes some time – so please be a little more patient 🙂
Im starting with eve and found this information interesting, regards.
Hi Christians,
Thanks for your blog , knew lot of things from your preparation advice. Would you please guide me that what should I configure VR and Vqfx devices in the self-study guide topology? In the appendix of the study guide, there is no guideline for this 2 devices. After your suggestion, I can build the lab on eve-ng