Just updated 30 Switches (EX2200-C) to the new recommended OS (15.1R5). Every Switch – and I mean EVERY one shows “broken” temperature-Sensors after the new Version comes up.
christianscholz@OEK-EX2200C-01> show chassis environment Class Item Status Measurement Power FPC 0 Power Supply 0 OK Temp FPC 0 GEPHY1 Failed FPC 0 GEPHY2 Failed
A downgrade to 15.1R4 solved this – however what the f happened there?
Juniper moved from the 12-Tree to the 15-Tree (recommended) and didn’t notice this bug so far…
Will investigate more into this.
EDIT 04.06.2017: Juniper released 15.1R6.7 for the EX2200-C – this somehow “fixed” the Issue (is set my Temp-Sensor to 0-degree making my Alarm go away)
Also dot1x has a Problem on the EX3300 in 15.1…
We tried to roll it out on one of our campus-sites and failed because the switch places all members into the fallback vlan – regardless what is configured π