JNCIE-ENT – I tried it again…

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You either become a JNCIE-ENT or you tried long enough to see yourself cursing on that damn exam 😀 😀 😀
After quite some time I tried the next attempt of my JNCIE-ENT today – and I will never get used to these exams… Remote exams always stress me out: Will Zoom work? Will my provider be stable? Will the postman see the message I left at the front door (no, he ignored it) and not ring a thousand times to see if I’m home? Ah – such a lovely remote experience 😉 And the Blueprint for this exam is so… HUGE!
Fancy UI-Fabrics that build themselves through AI Magic? Nope, Sir – do this by hand!

Exclusive for you all I managed to get a sneak peek out of the exam room:

Jokes aside – I love this exam and I hate it at the same time so hopefully this will finally be my last time.
I do feel like I get faster with each attempt and know more and more about what shenanigans I have to do (although I would do some things a bit differently in a real-life scenario) but it starts to get frustrating…
But hey: this isn’t a “make a wish” – this is the JNCIE-Level so I’m thankful it’s not easy to obtain!

If everything goes well, I will know next week if I passed (and trust me everybody will know then) or if I have the delightful “opportunity” to do it again 😉 #NeverGiveUp

If it works, I will take a bit of a vacation until next year (because all the constant learning is finally taking it’s toll on my brain) and then go for the DC and SP – and yes – I’m still aiming for all the JNCIE’s 🙂

Wanna check out what the JNCIE-ENT means?
Here’s the Blueprint to get a glimpse of what I’ve been preparing for the past 2 years: https://www.juniper.net/us/en/training/certification/tracks/enterprise-routing-switching/jncie-ent.html

Have a wonderful week folks!

Update 25.09.2024:
Unfortunately, this attempt (#3 to be precise) was also a “not passed” and I have really HARD de-ja-vu vibes (I got my JNCIE-SEC in attempt #4 back in 2018) – At this point, it’s unsure if I may go for a 4th attempt and for the first time I’m asking myself if I should proceed or just say “well – It was fun but seems like this exam is not for me” – have to re-think some things and the scorecard is not helping at all with the results being too “generic” (something I’ve been criticizing for the past 6 years). When you know you have improved in some areas but the score in that section is still the same it hits like a truck… The worst part is that after every attempt you start to ask yourself if it was a typo, a wrong concept, a wrong applied whatever, or just “bad luck”… Although I’m not Batman (or am I? You’ll never know…) I remembered this quote when I read through that “fail mail” for a second time:

61 thoughts on “JNCIE-ENT – I tried it again…

  1. Pingback: permit-any-any.comJNCIE-ENT – I tried it again

  2. Cameron

    You’ve made a huge impact on my learning journey, and I’m sure many others feel the same way. Keep up the great work!

  3. Kaden

    Thank you for all the time and effort you put into your blog and tutorials. Your passion for teaching shines through, and it’s making a huge difference in the networking community.

  4. Howard

    I passed my exam today, and I couldn’t have done it without your help. Your content made a huge difference in how I approached my studies. You’re making a real impact in this field!

  5. Ashton

    I’ve passed my exam, and I couldn’t have done it without your content. You once said to me ‘Now go get that cert!’ so now I can finally say ‘Now go get that cert!’

  6. Spencer

    I’ve been following you for a while now. You break down networking concepts in a way that’s easy to understand and apply.

  7. Kevin

    Every time I feel stuck, I know I can turn to your blog for clarity. You’re helping people all over the world understand networking, and that’s no small feat!


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