Tag: KVM

Juniper vEvo is out

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Something good before the weekend starts: Prepare your Labs folks 🙂vEvo is finally here!!!!! Download-Link:https://support.juniper.net/support/downloads/?p=vjunos-evolved Docs: https://www.juniper.net/documentation/us/en/software/vJunosEvolved/vJunosEvolved-kvm-deployment-guide/vJunosEvolved-KVM/topics/vjunosevolved-understand.html More Info soon – happy labbing 🙂 And ICYMI: the new EVE-NG has… Read more »

vQFX 17.4R1.16 on EVE-NG (Professional and Community)

Hi all, a couple of days the new vQFX came out in Version 17.4R1.16 – and you know me – of course it had to be “eved” 😉 Here’s how… Read more »